Compiling Classical ML Pipelines into Tensor Computations for One-size-fits-all Prediction Serving
Supun Nakandala, Gyeong-In Yu, Markus Weimer, Matteo Interlandi
Systems for ML Workshop at NeurIPS 2019
Acorn: Aggressive Result Caching in Distributed Data Processing Frameworks
Lana Ramjit, Matteo Interlandi, Eugene Wu, Ravi Netravali
SoCC 2019
Understanding Data in the Blink of an Eye
Matteo Paganelli, Paolo Sottovia, Antonio Maccioni, Matteo Interlandi, Francesco Guerra
CIKM 2019 (demo)
Machine Learning at Microsoft with ML.NET
KDD 2019 (Applied Data Science Track)
Coded Elastic Computing
Yaoqing Yang, Matteo Interlandi, Pulkit Grover, Soummya Kar, Saeed Amizadeh and Markus Weimer
ISIT 2019
ML.NET: Machine Learning Toolkit for Software Developers
Matteo Interlandi, Sergiy Matusevych and Markus Weimer
SysML (demo)
From the Edge to the Cloud: Model Serving in ML.NET
Yunseong Lee, Alberto Scolari, Byung-Gon Chun, Markus Weimer and Matteo Interlandi
IEEE Data Engineering Bulleting
Machine Learning at Microsoft with ML.NET
Matteo Interlandi, Sergiy Matusevych, Saeed Amizadeh, Shauheen Zahirazami and Markus Weimer
Systems for ML Workshop at NeurIPS 2018 and Machine Learning Open Source Software Workshop
Making Classical Machine Learning Pipelines Differentiable: A Neural Translation Approach
Gyeong-In Yu, Saeed Amizadeh, Byung-Gon Chun, Markus Weimer and Matteo Interlandi
Systems for ML Workshop at NeurIPS 2018
Coded Elastic Computing
Yaoqing Yang, Matteo Interlandi, Pulkit Grover, Soummya Kar, Saeed Amizadeh and Markus Weimer
Systems for ML Workshop at NeurIPS 2018
Pretzel: Opening the Black Box of Machine Learning Prediction Serving Systems
Yunseong Lee, Alberto Scolari, Byung-Gon Chun, Marco Domenico Santambrogio, Markus Weimer and Matteo Interlandi
Operating System Design and Implementation OSDI 2018
RIOS: Runtime Integrated Optimizer for Spark
Youfu Li, Mingda Li, Ling Ding and Matteo Interlandi
Symposium on Cloud Computing SoCC 2018
Scaling-up reasoning and advanced analytics on BigData
Tyson Condie, Ariyam Das, Matteo Interlandi, Alexander Shkapsky, Mohan Yang and Carlo Zaniolo
Theory and Practice of Logical Programming TPLP (Special issue on Past and Present (and Future) of Parallel and Distributed Computation in LP)
A Datalog-based Computational Model for Coordination-free, Data-Parallel Systems
Matteo Interlandi and Letizia Tanca
Theory and Practice of Logical Programming TPLP (Special issue on Past and Present (and Future) of Parallel and Distributed Computation in LP)
Supporting Data Provenance in Data-Intensive Scalable
Computing Systems
Matteo Interlandi and Tyson Condie
IEEE Data Engineering Bulleting
Automated Debugging in Data-Intensive Scalable Computing
Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Matteo Interlandi, Tyson Condie and Miryung Kim
Symposium on Cloud Computing SoCC 2017
Fixpoint Semantics and Optimization of Recursive Datalog Programs with Aggregates
Carlo Zaniolo, Mohan Yang, Matteo Interlandi, Ariyam Das, Alexander Shkapsky and Tyson Condie
The 33rd International Conference on Logic Programming ICLP
Adding Data Provenance Support to Apache Sparks
Matteo Interlandi, Ari Ekmekji, Kshitij Shah, Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Sai Deep Tetali, Miryung Kim, Todd Millstein and Tyson Condie
The VLDB Journal VLDBJ (Special Issue on Best Papers of VLDB 2016)
Apache REEF: Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework
Byung-Gon Chun, Tyson Condie, Yingda Chen, Brian Cho, Andrew Chung, Carlo Curino, Chris Douglas, Matteo Interlandi, Beomyeol Jeon, Joo Seong Jeong, GyeWon Lee, Yunseong Lee, Tony Majestro, Dahlia Malkhi, Sergiy Matusevych, Brandon Myers, Mariia Mykhailova, Shravan Narayanamurthy, Joseph Noor, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Sriram Rao, Russell Sears, Seysim Sezgin, Taegeon Um, Julia Wang, Markus Weimer and Youngseok Yang
The ACM Transactions on Computer Systems TOCS
Debugging Big Data Analytics in Spark with BigDebug
Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Matteo Interlandi, Tyson Condie and Miryung Kim
The 2017 International Conference on Management of Data SIGMOD 2017 (demo)
Big Data Analytics with Datalog Queries on Spark
Alexander Shkapsky, Mohan Yang, Matteo Interlandi, Hsuan Chiu, Tyson Condie, and Carlo Zaniolo
The 2016 International Conference on Management of Data SIGMOD 2016
BigDebug: debugging primitives for interactive big data processing in Spark
Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Matteo Interlandi, Sai Deep Tetali, Tyson Condie, Todd Millstein and Miryung Kim
The 38th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2016
Programming and Runtime Support to Blaze FPGA Accelerator Deployment at Datacenter Scale
Muhuan Huang, Di Wu, Cody Hao Yu, Zhenman Fang, Matteo Interlandi, Tyson Condie and Jason Cong
Symposium on Cloud Computing SoCC 2016
Optimizing Interactive Development of Data-Intensive Applications
Matteo Interlandi, Sai Deep Tetali, Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Joseph Noor, Tyson Condie, Miryung Kim and Todd Millstein
Symposium on Cloud Computing SoCC 2016
Interactive Debugging for Big Data Analytics
Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Xueyuan Han, Matteo Interlandi, Sai Deep Tetali, Shaghayegh Mardani, Tyson Condie, Todd Millstein, and Miryung Kim
The 8th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing HotCloud 2016
BigDebug: Interactive Debugger for Big Data Analytics in Apache Spark
Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Matteo Interlandi, Tyson Condie and Miryung Kim
Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering FSE 2016 (demo)
The Magic of Pushing Extrema into Recursion: Simple and Powerful Datalog Programs
Carlo Zaniolo, Mohan Yang, Ariyam Das and Matteo Interlandi
The 10th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management AMW 2016
Combining user and database perspective for solving keyword queries over relational databases
Sonia Bergamaschi, Francesco Guerra, Matteo Interlandi, Raquel Trillo Lado and Yannis Velegrakis
Information Systems IS 2016
Titian: Data Provenance Support in Spark
Matteo Interlandi, Kshitij Shah, Sai Deep Tetali, Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Seunghyun Yoo, Miryung Kim, Todd D. Millstein and Tyson Condie
The 42nd International Conference on Very Large Databases VLDB 2016
Proof positive and negative in data cleaning
Matteo Interlandi and Nan Tang
The 31st International Conference on Data Engineering ICDE 2015
On the CALM Principle for BSP Computation
Matteo Interlandi and Letizia Tanca
The 9th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management AMW 2015
QUEST: A Keyword Search System for Relational Data based on Semantic and Machine Learning Techniques
Sonia Bergamaschi, Francesco Guerra, Matteo Interlandi, Raquel Trillo Lado and Yannis Velegrakis
The 39th International Conference on Very Large Databases VLDB 2013 (demo)
Datalog in Time and Space, Synchronously
Matteo Interlandi, Letizia Tanca and Sonia Bergamaschi
The 7th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management AMW 2013
Reasoning about Knowledge in Distributed Systems Using Datalog
Matteo Interlandi
Datalog 2.0
Knowlog: Knowledge + Datalog for Distributed Systems
Matteo Interlandi
The 38th International Conference on Very Large Databases VLDB 2012 (PhD Workshop)
A meta-language for MDX queries in eLog Business Solution
Sonia Bergamaschi, Matteo Interlandi, Mario Longo, Laura Po and Maurizio Vincini
The 28th International Conference on Data Engineering ICDE 2012 (Industrial Track)
Click here for research papers from M.S.
Supporting Information on Demand with the DisServicePro Proactive Peer-to-peer Information Dissemination System
Silvia Rota, Giacomo Benincasa, Matteo Interlandi, Niranjan Suri, Brian Bonnlander, Mauro Tortonesi and Jeff Bradshaw
Military Communications Conference MILCOM 2010
Disservice: a peer-to-peer disruption tolerant dissemination service
N. Suri, G. Benincasa, S. Choy, S. Formaggi, M. Gilioli, M. Interlandi, J. Kovach, S. Rota and R. Winkler
Military Communications Conference MILCOM 2009